Coaches – Tiger Wrestling


Scott Magin

Scott Magin

Coach & Treasurer

James Kennedy

James Kennedy

Coach & Vice President

All coaches will need to compete a CORI form every year.

CORI Checks for Coaches and Volunteers:

The Park and Recreation Department is authorized to process routine CORI (criminal offender record information) checks on prospective coaches, volunteers, and employees of Littleton Park and Recreation Department under M.G.L. c.6, §172 (c). The primary purpose of the CORI check is to screen prospective coaches, volunteers and employees who have the potential for unmonitored access to children and to promote the safety of children who are registered for a Littleton Park and Recreation Department program. The record check is conducted for conviction and other findings and pending criminal case information. The Department will not necessarily disqualify the applicant from coaching, volunteering or employment based upon these findings. Disqualification or removal is at the discretion of the director and any other authorized personnel. The records are accessed only by the director, who will be sensitive to confidentiality issues when accessing and storing this information. Any person applying for coaching, volunteering or employment must complete the form authorizing a CORI check by the Park and Recreation Director.

Adopted 2/5/02

Click here for the CORI form