The following is our constitution which was approved by the Interim Board Of Directors and Town of Littleton Parks and Recreation Department.
Littleton Youth Wrestling
Organization Name
This organization shall be known as LITTLETON YOUTH WRESTLING, hereafter referred to as the LYW.
The LYW is a sub-committee of Littleton Park and Recreation Commission and is affiliated with USA Wrestling and the Massachusetts Youth Wrestling Association (MYSA).
The objective of LYW is to develop and execute a vital and exciting wrestling program for the Town of Littleton while teaching the children of the community the Sport of wrestling, instilling the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority. This will be accomplished through programs of organized competitive and recreational wrestling and programs designed to educate and develop wrestlers, coaches and referees.
Description and Governing Body
The LYW is open to anyone who registers with the Littleton Park and Recreation Department. Under the direction of the Littleton Park and Recreation Commission and with the administrative support of the Littleton Park and Recreation Department, the LYW shall plan, organize, direct and control all activities necessary to execute a successful wrestling program.
The governing body of the LYW will be the Executive Board, hereafter referred to as the Board, which shall be structured as follows:
President: He/she shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall perform all duties and have all powers consistent with this constitution which is essential to the best interest of the organization. The president shall officially preside at all meetings; be Chairperson of the Board; be the official representative of the LYW and be authorized to co-sign checks.
Vice President: He/she shall have all power and duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall succeed to the office and powers of the President in his or her absence, or for the remainder of his or her term if vacated for any reason. In the event of such a vacancy, the Board shall elect a successor to the post of Vice President. In addition the Vice President shall investigate any unresolved issues involving coaches, referees, or wrestlers and recommend action to the Board. The Vice President can also co-sign checks.
Secretary: He/she shall keep the minutes and records of all meetings, both board and general. He/she shall dispatch all correspondence of the Board when needed for references. The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence for the LYW, keep detailed minutes of all Board and general meetings, keep records as necessary, be responsible for public relations, publishing the LYW newsletter and shall correspond on behalf of the LYW only with the knowledge and permission of the President.
Treasurer: He/she shall have custody of all organization funds to be deposited in the name of the organization in the bank or trust company. He/she shall record all finances. He/she shall sign all checks with a co-signature of a board member. He/she shall pay all bills promptly. He/she shall report up to date status of all organization funds at each meeting. He/she shall fill out yearly financial reports to the Recreation Committee. These reports will consist of all expenses incurred by our organization. They should also report all funds that we receive throughout the year.
Fundraising Coordinator: He/she shall prepare all fundraising projects. He/she shall correspond with the treasurer. He/she shall report to the board at every meeting. The Fundraising Coordinator shall propose and carry out fund raising activities as agreed by the Board. The Fundraising Coordinator shall mobilize a network of volunteers for fund raising activities within the club and solicit support from outside organizations such as the Littleton Youth Sports Association and other corporate donors.
Registrar /Event Director: He/she shall be responsible for member registration, scheduling and managing all events. He/she shall appoint any sub committees needed to run events. The Registrar/ Event Director shall actively work with the Littleton Park and Recreation Department to ensure that registration deadlines are widely advertised and that current, accurate and complete registration information is supplied to the board. They will also be responsible for planning and running events, matches and tournaments.
The elected Board members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Board members elected at that meeting shall take office effective as of the end of wrestling season, or March 30th, whichever occurs first.
Any position vacated prior to the next AGM shall be filled by an appointment by the President and approved by a majority of the Board.
Officers – Terms of Office
Officers shall hold office for a one-year term and are eligible for re-election.
Board Decisions
All matters of policy shall be decided by a two-thirds vote. Three (3) Board members shall constitute a quorum.
Annual General Meeting
The objectives of the AGM are to solicit feedback from the membership on the current season, make any necessary modifications to the LYW Constitution, and elect new Board members. The meeting shall be structured to address these three objectives in the order stated. Notice of the AGM’s must be given to all LYW members not less than ten days prior to the meeting date.
The AGM shall take place at the end of the wrestling season at a date to be determined by the Board. Voting members at an AGM shall be parents or legal guardians of any wrestler registered during the current year, coaches, assistant coaches and Board members.
Elections shall be conducted in the following sequence: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Coordinator, Event Director. Candidates shall be nominated by an AGM voting member. The voting shall be structured such that any unsuccessful candidate for a prior position may be nominated for a subsequent position.
The LYW Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the AGM
A Special General Meeting may be called by a majority vote of the Board at any time and shall follow the rules specified by the AGM.
Financial Policy
The treasurer shall prepare a balanced budget for the forthcoming year, and the Board shall approve the Budget before September 1st.
All moneys shall be paid when due. Checks written for budgeted expenses up to $300 shall require only one authorized signature. Checks written for budgeted expenses of over $300 shall require two authorized signatures. Checks written for any non-budgetary expense shall require two authorized signatures.
Dissolution or Final Liquidation
Upon dissolution or final liquidation, the organization shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all lawful debts and liabilities of the organization, distribute all of the assets of the organization to one or more of the following categories or recipients as the Board of Directors of the organization shall determine:
1. A non-profit corporation or organization which may have been created to succeed the organization, as long as such organization or each of such organizations shall qualify under Section 115 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or as an organization exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 501 (a) of such code as an
organization described in Section 501 (c) (3) of such code (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Law); and/or
2. A non-profit organization or organizations having similar aims and objectives as the organization and which may be selected as an appropriate recipient of such assets, as long as such organization or each of such organizations shall qualify under Section 115 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or as an organization exempt from
Federal income tax under Section 501 (a) of such code as an organization described in Section 501 (c) (3) of such code (or the corresponding provisions of any future
United States Internal Revenue Law).
Modifications to the By-laws and Rules of Members
The Bylaws and Rules of members may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board members present at a BOARD meeting.
Other Matters
The Board shall have the authority to suspend any individual LYW member whose conduct is considered detrimental to the LYW. The Board shall have the power to deal with any matters not explicitly covered by the By-laws.
Adoption of the Constitution
This Constitution was approved at an Annual General Meeting on September 19, 2011.
Addendum: Position Descriptions
This organization shall be known as LITTLETON YOUTH WRESTLING hereafter referred to as LYW.
The LYW is a sub-committee of Littleton Park and Recreation Commission and is affiliated with USA Wrestling and the Massachusetts Youth Wrestling Association (MYWA).
The objective of LYW is to develop and execute a vital and exciting wrestling program for the Town of Littleton while teaching the children of the community the sport of wrestling, instilling the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority. This will be accomplished through programs of organized competitive and recreational wrestling and programs designed to educate and develop wrestlers, coaches and referees.
No part of the net earnings of this association shall ever inure to or for the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the exempt purposes for which it was formed. No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Not withstanding any other provision of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation contributions to which the deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Should the LYW be dissolved, all funds currently in the treasury will become the property of the Littleton Park and Recreation Department.
Eligibility/Categories: Participation in LYW shall be open to any resident of Littleton interested in the sport of wrestling, subject to the disciplinary regulations mentioned herein. Participation in LYW shall be open to any resident of towns neighboring Littleton interested in the sport of wrestling, subject to the disciplinary regulations mentioned herein. Participation in LYW shall be reviewed and adjusted as necessary on a yearly basis and shall consist of the following categories, provided the criteria established for members in good standing are also achieved:
Participating Members (Members). Any adult person actively interested in furthering the objectives of LYW.
Only Participating Members in good standing are eligible to vote at Annual Meetings (see Article 5). All Board Members, Committee Members, coaches, Volunteer Referees and other elected or appointed officials must be active Members in good standing.
Note: Members of LYW automatically include all parents (as designated on wrestler registration forms) of Wrestler Members, current Board Members, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Volunteer Referees and any other person who is recognized by the Board as a Volunteer in LYW.
Wrestler Members. Any child of a resident of Littleton or neighboring town who has registered to wrestle in the league by the established cutoff date, and whose fee has been paid or whose fee has been waived by LYW by the established fee due date. The board will consider non-Littleton residents as members on a case-by-case basis, taking in to account the league charter. Wrestler members shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of LYW. Wrestler eligibility’s are as stated below:
- K-2 Grades
- 3-8 Grades
The Board of Directors has the authority to decide membership in good standing and to waive the age requirements as necessary, taking in to account the league charter and in the best interest of LYW.
As used hereinafter, the word Member shall mean a Participating Member unless otherwise stated.
Suspension or Termination: Membership may be terminated by resignation or action of the Board of Directors, either adhering to LYW’s discipline policy, or, any of the following:
a. The Board of Directors, by a two thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted Board meeting, shall have the authority to discipline or suspend or terminate the membership of any Member of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of LYW. The Member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.
b. The Board of Directors shall, in the case of a wrestler member, give notice to the coach of the team of which the wrestler is a member. Said coach will notify the wrestler and his or her parent/guardian of the pending meeting concerning suspension or termination. The coach and his or her parent/guardian, and wrestler (at his/her parent’s discretion) will be requested to attend said meeting. After considering all facts pertinent to the suspension/termination the Board of Directors will act in the best interest of LYW.
c. The Board of Directors shall have full power to suspend or revoke any wrestler members or Regular Members right to future participation.
Wrestler Members. A registration fee, will be assessed as a parent/guardian’s obligation to assure the operational continuity of LYW. This fee will be determined by the Board of Directors at the start of each fiscal year.
Wrestler Members’ parents or guardians who fail to pay their fixed dues within thirty (30) days of application to become a member may, by majority vote of the Board present at a Board meeting, be dropped from the rolls and shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.
Definition. An association meeting is any meeting of the Members of the league (including Special Meetings, Section 6). A minimum of one per year (Annual General Meeting, see Section 5) is required.
Notice of Meetings. Notice of each association meeting of the Members shall be emailed, posted on the association’s website, or otherwise made aware to the general public at least seven (7) days in advance thereof setting forth the place, time and purpose of the meeting; or in lieu thereof, notice may be given in such form as may be authorized by the Board of Directors, from time to time, at a regularly convened Board meeting.
Voting. Only Members shall be entitled to make motions and only Board Members shall be entitled vote at any association meeting of LYW. However, the Board of Directors, may invite, admit and recognize guests for presentations or comments during general membership meetings.
Rules of Order. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceeding of all General membership meetings, except where they conflict with the Constitution of LYW.
Annual General Meeting. The annual association meeting of the Members of LYW shall be held each year. The purpose of the meeting shall be for the election of officers to the Board of Directors, selection of coordinators, reviewing the Constitution, appointing committees, receiving reports and for the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. The official agenda for the meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors and must include provision for feedback from the membership on the current season and to make any necessary adjustment to the LYW constitution.
1) The Annual General Meeting of the Members of LYW, shall provide a report, verified by the President and Treasurer, or by a majority of the Directors, showing:
a) The condition of LYW, to be presented by the President or his/her designate;
b) A general summary of funds received and expended by LYW for the previous year, the amount of funds currently in possession of LYW, and the name of the financial institution in which such funds are maintained;
2) At the Annual Meeting, the Members shall determine the number of Officers of the board of Directors to be elected for the ensuing year and shall elect such number of Officers. They shall be elected in the order set forth in Article 5, Section 5, subparagraph (3) (below) with any additional Officers approved by at the AGM voted on after those listed in Article 5(5)(3).
3) After the election, the Board of Directors shall assume the performance of its duties on the last day of the spring season or July 1, whichever comes first. The Board’s term of office shall continue until its successors are elected and qualified under this section.
a) The Officers of the Board of Directors shall include, at a minimum:
(1) President,
(2) Vice President,
(3) Treasurer,
(4) Secretary,
(5) Fundraising Coordinator,
(6) Registrar /Event Director
b) The incoming President shall fill all open appointed positions during the Annual General Meeting. Appointed positions may be proposed by the President at any point during his tenure and created by a simple majority of Board members. Appointed positions may include but are not limited to:
(1) Coach(es)
(2) Assistant Coach(es)
Special meetings. Special meetings of the Members may be called by the Board of Directors or by the Secretary or President at their discretion. Upon the written request of ten (10) members, the President shall call a special meeting to consider a specific subject. No business other than that specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any special meeting of the Members.
Authority. The management of the property and affairs of LYW shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
Increase in number. The number of Board of Directors so fixed at the Annual General Meeting may be increased at any general meeting of the Members upon the motion of an order to increase the number, the motion be seconded, and approved by a majority of the quorum of the directors in attendance. If the number is increased, the additional Directors may be elected at the meeting at which the increase is voted, or at any subsequent General Meeting. All elections of additional Directors shall be by majority vote of all Members present.
Vacancies. If any vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, by death, resignation or otherwise, it may be filled by a majority vote of the quorum of remaining Directors at any regular Board meeting or at any Special Board meeting called for that purpose.
Quorum – A quorum is the minimum number of Board of Directors necessary to conduct the business of LYW. The minimum number of Directors to constitute a quorum of the board is the majority of voting directors as authorized under Article 5 Section 5.3 (a). A quorum constitutes three (3) directors.
Board Meetings and Notice. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall commence following the Annual Meeting and on such days thereafter as shall be determined by the Board. These meetings will be held for the purpose of planning and discussion and execution of LYW business shall, at a minimum, address the following as necessary:
Roll call (attendance)
Minutes of the last meeting
Treasurers Reports
Coordinators Reports
Committee Reports
Old business
New business
Schedule next board meeting
Only members of the Board of Directors may make motions and vote at meetings of the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors may invite, admit and recognize guests for presentations or comments during Board meetings.
Notice of each meeting shall be given by the Secretary electronically via email, posted on the association’s website, or otherwise notified to each Director at least seven (7) days before the time appointed for the meeting.
A quorum of the members of the Board of Directors shall be necessary for the transaction of business.
The President or the Vice President may, whenever any of them deems it advisable, or the Vice President shall, at the request in writing of four (4) Directors, issue a call for a special meeting of the Board. In case of Special Meetings, such notice shall include the purpose of the meeting and no matters not so stated may not be acted upon at the meeting. The President or Secretary must give notice of this special meeting to each Director at least twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for the meeting.
Duties and Powers. The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint such standing committees as it shall determine appropriate and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable and which it may properly delegate.
The Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of LYW as it may deem proper, provided such rules and regulations do not conflict with this Constitution.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority based upon majority vote of the Board members who attend any planned meeting to dismiss any Board member who misses three consecutive board meetings of LYW and to appoint a person to serve in the vacant position.
Rules of Order for Board Meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of all Board of Directors meetings, except where same conflicts with this Constitution of LYW.
Appointments. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each. Appointed officers or agents shall have no vote on actions taken by the Board of Directors unless such individuals have been elected to the Board by the board or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Board.
Registrar/Event Director. The registrar/event director shall:
Facilitate all aspects of the registration process, including interactions with the Park and Recreation Department, media, other forms of advertisement, and tracking registrations.
Ensure that all registration deadlines are widely advertised
Provide current, accurate, and complete registration information to the Board
Oversee all monetary transactions as they pertain to registration
Ensure that LYW complies with all the registration requirements for participation under MYWA or any league with which LYW is affiliated.
The Board of Directors shall appoint other committees and coordinators, as they deem necessary, an annual basis. Committee members and Coordinators may consist of any Member, unless otherwise specified, who in turn shall report to Board meetings. Committee Chairpersons shall, as early as possible, after assuming chairmanship, prepare an agenda addressing duties, goals, to be accomplished for the upcoming year. Examples of committees are, but not limited to
Rules Coordinator and/or Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a Rules Committee to review and make recommendations to any local rules or guidelines to the Board.
Web Site Committee. The Board of Directors may appoint a website committee to review and make recommendations about the layout, content etc., of the LYW website
On an annual basis, the Board of Directors shall establish a calendar of operations and shall submit the calendar to the Park and Recreation committee for record keeping purposes. The calendar shall list dates for, but shall not be limited to, the following topics:
Annual end of season meeting
Election of Board members for the upcoming season
Establishing an operational budget for the upcoming season
Wrestler registration
Wrestling schedules
Equipment procurement, distribution and inventory
Activities, fundraisers, etc.
The purpose of the calendar is to establish a schedule for planning and coordination of the activities of LYW.
Other Leagues. LYW may apply annually for affiliation with any other league the board chooses if such membership enhances the wrestling opportunities for LYW wrestler members.
Rules and Regulations.
- · LYWC will adhere (unless otherwise excepted) to all MYWA and USA Wrestling rules and regulations
- · LYWC will adhere to USA Wrestling rules, policies, and procedures for match competitions.
LYWC will maintain a set of rules, policies and procedures regarding all other rules, policies and procedures the board of directors feels are necessary for the proper administration of the LYW and which may be amended by a majority vote of the board of directors at any properly constituted board meeting.
Examples of these rules and procedures may include (but are not limited to):
Required coaching licenses and/or policies for selecting and/or retaining coaches;
Policies and procedures regarding any tryouts or assessments for team placements; and
Policies and procedures for all board positions.
One copy of this Constitution shall remain on file at the Park & Recreation office. This Constitution may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any duly organized meeting of the Members provided notice of the proposed change is included in the notice of such meeting. A revised Constitution shall be immediately sent to the Park and Recreation Committee for their records.
This Constitution was approved at the Annual General Meeting on September 19, 2011.
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President Secretary